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Hand Weapons
The tambo (短棒) is a short staff, normally less than 1 meter in length. The tambo is a short staff, normally less than 1 meter in length. It can be used as a walking stick, support for the forearm when climbing, or as a weapon. This simple weapon is commonly […]

There were 2 types of firearms that samurai’s in japan became most commonly associated with, these were cannons, and tanegashima (Japanese matchlock). Cannon’s were used to protect castle walls from intruders and served as a means of protection for castles as well as ships. They were transported during military battles, […]

Pole Weapons
There were 2 types of pole weapons to dominate samurai use in Japan. These were the yari (槍), and the naginata (なぎなた, 薙刀). The yari came in a huge number of varieties, with each having different blade designs and purposes. The shafts also came in different varieties. Although yari were […]

The yumi (弓) was a type of longbow that was used by the samurai for ceremonial, hunting, and sport events, but also extensively during the feudal periods. There were 2 types of yumi. The regular size was called daikyū (大弓), and the shorter sized one was hankyū (半弓). Introduction: What […]

Japanese Swords
It is obvious to make the connection with samurai and samurai swords, but the evolution of the Japanese sword, and its history is in-depth with many different stages of development before the modern method of making the well-known katana blade. Japanese swords began their introduction into Japan around the Nara period. […]

The period from 1603 to 1868 in Japan is called the Edo period (江戸時代). Also known as the Tokugawa period (徳川時代), this was a period in Japan’s history where the country was under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate, as well as the country’s 300 regional Daimyo. The Tokugawa shogunate […]

From approximately 1467 to 1603 AD, in Japan, this was known as the Sengoku period (戦国時代). It was a period of war between states, and power struggles between the daimyo, who were the local lords. The Shogunate had lost influence and power over the local lords while struggling to maintain […]